Houston Computer Consulting has made a conscious decision over the course of time to learn, adopt, and follow these industry-recommended technologies. Most of these involve aspects of software development that most end users will never grasp. However, they are critical technologies central to our success. Any solution we propose will be based on these well-recognized foundational elements.

TechnologiesEntity Framework, SSRS, WebAPI, SignalR, LINQ, Lambdas, HangFire, Twilio, Identity, Claims, oAuth, OWIN, Blazor, Castle-Windsor, N-Hibernate, .Net MAUI
FrameworksCSLA, MVC, MVP, MVVM, ABP, Asp.Net Zero, .Net, Swing, Asp.Net Identity, .Net Core, .Net Framework, Template10
Patterns & PracticesMicrosoft, Unit of Work, Repository, Inversion of Control, Dependency Injection, Authorization, Authentication, Gang of 4, DDD, Factory
PlatformsWindows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS, XAMARIN, Azure, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes
Form FactorsWeb, Desktop, Mobile, UWP, WPF
Languages (Syntax)C++, C#, VB, JAVA, SQL, T-SQL
ScriptingJQuery, Javascript, TypeScript, PHP, ASP
DeclarativeHTML, XAML, RAZOR
MethodologiesSOLID, KISS, Separation of concerns, loosely coupled
Development/Team StrategiesWaterfall, Agile, Extreme
StructuresInterfaces, Overloading, Polymorphism, Overriding
ToolsBootStrap, KnockoutJS, AngularJS, Minifiers, WATiN, Source Control (GIT), NodeJS, Package Manager, NUGET, PowerShell, Chocolatey, Humanizer, Modernizr, Gulp, Antlr, FontAwesome, GlyphIcons, JSHint, WebGrease, Swagger, Glimpse, Regular Expressions, AutoMapper, FluentAPI, DataAnnotations, HockeyApp, jTable, Elmah, NLog, Log4Net, StyleCop, Luxon