Houston Computer Software Development Novotny & Company Overview


Novotny ProTracker Challenge

Novotny & Company, one of Houston’s largest property tax consulting firms, was running an antiquated database management system for tracking their client's property data that was heavily dependent on maintaining a physical paper trail. In addition to modernizing their system they wanted a fully functional self-service portal for their clients. They already had a design in mind, but lacked the ability to support bidirectional updates between those two systems because so much account information was never captured in their database to start with.


Novotny ProTracker Solution

Houston Computer Consulting built a modern Intranet site to replace their old database interface and significantly expanded the amount and types of data captured. As a part of this upgrade we provided a path forward to eliminate vast amounts of physical paper trail ever needing to be generated in the first place. Additionally, the conversion to an electronic document management system facilitated better interchange with their client-facing self-service portal. Their new ProTracker system is now an integral part of all aspects of their daily operations.


Novotny ProTracker Benefit

Beyond tremendous internal efficiency gains, an additional benefit achieved was that their agents were able to work remotely much more efficiently than ever in the past. And the timing for this deployment couldn’t have been better as the Covid-19 era hit just as we were going live with it. Now they don’t know how they ever lived without this highly flexible and fully integrated system that has made the nuances of accurately protesting property tax values much easier than before.